

Because you're tired of trying to be something you're not and are ready to soar as the person you are.

It sounds hippy-trippy.  But - its the truth.  The people who work with us and book work with our shots are the people who proudly live in their own skin. And we love our clients for that.  They inspire us.  They teach us.  And they make us better artists and human beings. After years in this business - the thing we consistently hear the most from our clients is:

"Oh my god.  That actually looks like me!"

We can't tell you how happy that makes us.  That's our goal.  To see you fully and to help you see yourself.  We firmly believe that the only way to build a sustainable career that makes you happy is to find out who you are and work everyday to get closer and closer to living that truth every second.  There is a sea of falseness out there, people.  And to us - the lifeboat you want to throw yourself into is made of authenticity.  Its how you stay afloat- and how you separate from the masses.  Be yourself - and the work will follow.  We provide a space where your true self is empowered and encouraged.  We've learned that most people just need a little permission to be themselves - and once granted - there's no holding back.  That's what we encourage - and that's what we love to photograph.


Finding a photographer can lead to a case of "analysis paralysis".  There are so many options that you lose perspective, get overwhelmed, and just go with what your reps tell you to do.

Or - with the one that EVERYONE else is using. 

That's not a very productive method. 

You know what's best for you.  As an actor - your instincts are some of your best assets.  We know that - and we encourage you to test your instincts with us.  If you're having a hard time choosing - set up a consultation with us.  We can connect on the phone or we can grab a coffee and talk in person.  Its a fantastic way of allowing your gut instinct to make the call - and we highly endorse trusting your instincts!

Beyond instinct - so many things separate Braden Moran Photography from the rest. 

Many photographers can take a decent photograph...but not all photographers are good with people. 

We are.. 

The difference between an average headshot and a striking headshot has a lot to do with how your photographer works with you at your shoot.  How patient are they with you? How well do they communicate?  Do you feel like they understand you and can collaborate?  How open are they?  How attentive to your specific needs are they?  How encouraging and accepting and playful are they?  Can they make you laugh?  Do you feel like yourself around them?  This all helps dictate how relaxed they help you to be - and your overall relaxation dictates how much your true self shines through in your shots.

Our concern for your individual experience is genuine.  We operate so you enjoy getting your headshots done.  We listen to you. Our customer's satisfaction is priority number one.  Check out our "testimonials" page for proof.  The whole day is YOUR day.  From the music we listen to, to the outfits we choose, to the hair and makeup, to your feeling of total satisfaction with the entire shoot - the day is about YOU!  We show you shots as we go and we work to refine the shoot based on your personal aesthetics.  We constantly check in with you to make sure we're getting you exactly what you need and then some.  AND - we follow up with you and walk you through the post-process to make sure you know exactly how to maximize the results from your new shots.

Braden Moran has been a photographer for 25+ years.  He adds to that the experience of being a working professional actor for 20+ years.  He's worked in New York, Chicago, and L.A.!  He knows the business.  He knows both sides of the lens and knows how to get the best out of you because of that. 

On top of all that, we offer excellent results for extremely reasonable prices. 

We try to make your decision on who to choose very easy... 


You can connect with us in a multitude of ways: 

You can give us a call at 312.339.3407

Or send us an e-mail inquiry at bradenmoran@gmail.com 

OR - You can head over to the contact page and shoot us a request through our form. 
Please make sure to include your name, phone number, and preferred dates.

Once we set up your shoot date and time - a $200 deposit is required to secure a booking. 


Wear what makes you feel most comfortable, accentuates all your positives, but doesn't steal the focus from you.  Simple, bold colors tend to work well - especially colors that bring out your eyes.  Layering is a great approach - it allows for some easy versatility within your looks.  In general, things that you would wear to an audition are what you want to bring to your session.  Having many options at the shoot is beneficial.  We can evaluate how various outfits will look in the shots and make decisions accordingly - BUT - having a pretty clear game plan going in makes for the best results.  If you prepare well enough - you give yourself space to play on the day - just like going to an audition!

At Braden Moran Photography we work with you to incorporate our work into your self-marketing concept.  These shots are created to help get you work. As we discuss your marketing goals - this helps us select the best wardrobe choices to get the looks you need. We'll talk further about this in your consultation. 


- Anything you need to be comfortable and relaxed. 

- Music can be a great asset at a shoot.  We have an extremely extensive and varied iTunes collection and we have Spotify, Pandora, etc - but if you want something specific, please bring it with and we'll gladly play that while you shoot.

- Your own make-up and styling products.  Even if you're using one of our fantastic make-up artists, you may use some products and colors that work best for your specific needs.  They will often incorporate those or use those as a point of reference to design the best look for you.

- Your preferred method of payment. 


We accept cash, Venmo, check, and all major credit cards.


An actor's schedule can be a thing of chaos. We know this well and try to be as accommodating as possible.  If you need to cancel your shoot contact Braden Moran Photography immediately and we'll do our best to re-schedule as soon as possible.  No fees.  No lost deposit.  So long as you choose to re-schedule with us.

**PLEASE NOTE: A cancellation with less than 48 hours notice and

a decision NOT to re-schedule renders your deposit forfeit.**


We ask for the same understanding on your end.  Since Braden is a freelance artist - should something unavoidable arise - we'd ask for your understanding if we need to re-schedule.  This is rare - most situations can be worked around our shooting schedule...But you know how it goes!

Additionally - we work with natural light and weather can play a factor in the shoot.  The only reason we would cancel for weather related problems would be if it's simply too dark or raining too hard.  If that's the case, we will notify you immediately and do our best to accommodate a quick and painless re-scheduling.  We appreciate your understanding regarding this matter.  We simply want you to have the best session possible!


Absolutely!  Headshots are just one aspect of what we do.  If you want to see some of Braden’s other work - he has another site for his motion work, portraits, personal projects and travel shots:

Braden Moran Photography

We're open to all kinds of ideas and shoots. If we have the time and the project is a good fit - we do motion projects, location assignments, families, engagements, weddings, children, landscapes, portraits, BTS, film/theatre production stills, events, products, etc.  We do it all and we're always excited to hear what you want and find a way to collaborate with you on that.  Feel free to contact us and we can talk in detail about your ideas and make a plan and a budget!


We're flattered and would be honored to be a part of your collection!  Just head over to our shop and you can order prints and other products directly from the site.  If you see something you like that isn't in the shop, please feel free to contact us via e-mail or phone to discuss purchasing prints.